Since using the Structurely AI Assistant, the Limbird Real Estate Group has had a 68% engagement rate and saved over 1,300 hours.
The Limbird Real Estate Group
The Results
messages sent
leads processed
engagement rate
Case Studies
of connected leads
Chord Real Estate team immediately saw the value in the conversational approach of the Structurely AI Assistant.
messages sent
While leveraging AI Assistant to contact leads immediately, they are pretty high-touch after the conversation starts, jumping in to set up appointments and handle specifics.
leads handled
The DeBerry Team leveraged Structurely to connect with more than 1,200 leads. More than 55% came in after hours.
engagement rate
In the last 16 months, the Assistant has sent 15,000 messages, with an overall engagement rate of just under 40%.
leads qualified
The Assistant handed off 101 leads that needed agent follow-up and qualified 198 others who were uninterested.
messages responded
Before starting with Structurely, agents weren’t reaching out within the first 2-5 minutes.
days in a year saved
Structurely saved The Premier Group over 70 days in a little under a year.
conversion rate
Since using Structurely The Premier Group New Jersey’s engagement rate went from 10% to 47%.
messages sent
In a year and a half, AI Assistant sent just under 240,000 messages to over 17,900 leads.
closings a month
The inside sales reps are producing 12, 15, 18, and sometimes 20 closings a month.
pipeline generated
The leads have matured to an agent-ready standing 195 times, which influenced a pipeline of just over $80,000,000.